Cognitive Tincture 30ml
Cognitive Tincture 30ml
This blend acts as a nootropic medicine to promote mental clarity, focus, improve both long and short term memory as well as maintain a healthy overall brain. It does so by incorporating powerful circulation stimulating herbs as well as herbs which aid in supporting the process of neurogenesis and memory retention. This blend also boosts nervous system health
- Nervine tonic
- Improves memory
- Aids in increasing focus and concentration
- Neuroprotective and nootropic
- Circulation
Ingredients: Ginkgo, Gotu Kola, Brahmi, Rosemary and Sage, Rain Water & 99% Laboratory Grade Ethanol
Ginkgo: Over a millennia of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine, this amazing ally is packed with medicinal benefits, being full of antioxidants and having phenomenal protective effects on the body. As a cognitive health tonic it aids in increasing circulation, promotes neurogenesis and thereby aiding in treating neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimers. It promotes the activity of neurotransmitters therefore focusing and allowing for the brain to be more focused and additionally aid in memory recollection both long and short term.
Gotu Kola: Known as ‘the herb of longevity’, it boosts cognitive functioning in being able to improve overall cognitive well being as well as in the memory domain. Neuroprotective and promoting neurogenesis it aids in preventing and treating neurodegenerative diseases. It has additionally shown to be a great antianxiety, reduces stress and improves circulation.
Brahmi: Packed with antioxidants Brahmi is able to protect and repair cells from free radical damage, it additionally reduces levels of inflammation, enhances brain functioning in being able to retain information better and improves the process of learning. It additionally is able to decrease symptoms of ADHD and ADD, promoting focus, impulse control and cognition. It reduces stress, anxiety and controls blood pressure.
Rosemary: An amazing antianxiety, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. The use of Rosemary has shown to both improve memory, boost mood, reduce anxiety levels, maintain higher levels of adrenal and nervous system energy. It has a direct interaction with the hippocampus which is the part of the brain associated with learning, emotion and memory.
Sage: High in nutrients, antioxidants, reduces blood sugar levels and even controls Cholesterol. These are some of the lesser known effects of sage, however as a cognitive health medicine Sage has a long history of use in being able to support memory and overall brain health. The antioxidants present have shown as neuroprotective and aid as a buffer in the brain's defence mechanism, it aids in memory and can promote clearer problem solving, alertness, calmness and other cognitive abilities.